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The glass materials used in home improvement mainly include insulating glass and tempered glass, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. After understanding, we can choose the appropriate materials according to our needs.

1. The difference between insulating glass and tempered glass

The so-called insulating glass refers to two pieces of glass combined together, with air in the middle, so it is called insulating glass, while tempered glass is safety glass formed by high-temperature treatment of ordinary glass in tempering furnace. When buying doors and windows, insulating glass can be made into tempered insulating glass, but the cost is more expensive than that of non-tempered insulating glass, while tempered glass can be divided into many kinds, such as common five-centimeter tempering and six-glass tempering, which are specially processed according to the requirements of different occasions.

The characteristics of tempered glass are: first, safety. Glass is broken into small obtuse particles similar to honeycomb, which will not cause great harm to human body. The second is high strength. The strength of tempered glass is generally 4-5 times that of ordinary glass. Third, the deflection is large. 3-4 times larger than ordinary glass. Fourth, it has good thermal stability. Tempered glass has good thermal stability, which can withstand three times the temperature of ordinary glass and 300℃ temperature difference.


2. Advantages and disadvantages of insulating glass

I. Advantages of insulating glass

Thermal insulation and sound insulation performance of insulating glass The excellent performance of insulating glass is thermal insulation and heat insulation performance. When a single-layer window is used in a building, the sunlight irradiated in summer will have a greenhouse effect, that is, part of the sunlight irradiated on the glass will be reflected and part of it will enter the room to increase the temperature. In winter, due to the high thermal conductivity of glass, single-layer windows play a role in heat dissipation, and insulating glass can reduce conduction heat transfer and convection heat transfer and radiation heat transfer.

1. Optical properties According to the selected glass original, insulating glass can have various optical properties. Its visible light transmittance ranges from 10% to 80%; The range of light reflectivity is: 25% ~ 80%; The total transmittance ranges from 25% to 50%.

2. Thermal insulation performance Hollow glass has excellent thermal insulation performance. Under some conditions, its thermal insulation performance can be better than that of concrete wall. According to statistics, the use of insulating glass in some European countries can save 40 ~ 50L of fuel oil per square meter per year compared with ordinary single-layer windows. The heat radiated by a high-temperature object to a low-temperature glass is related to the radiation emissivity of the object, and the radiation emissivity of the glass is 0.82. If a low-radiation film is coated on the glass, the radiation heat can be reduced and the heat preservation effect can be achieved. If the two inner surfaces of insulating glass are coated with sunshade film and low emissivity film respectively, the hot sunlight can be blocked in summer and the indoor heat loss can be prevented in winter, so that the purpose of being warm in winter and cool in summer can be achieved.

3. Sound insulation performance Insulated glass has excellent sound insulation performance, and its sound insulation effect is usually related to the type and intensity of noise, which can generally reduce noise by 30 ~ 44 dB and traffic noise by 3 L ~ 38 dB, that is, it can reduce street car noise to the quiet level required by school classrooms.

Second, the shortcomings of insulating glass

There are two main types of grooved aluminum insulating glass in the market: one-way sealed insulating glass and two-way sealed insulating glass. The so-called single-pass sealed insulating glass is only coated with a layer of polysulfide glue between two layers of glass, which is a product made by hand without domestic insulating glass equipment in recent years, and its quality can not meet the standard requirements of insulating glass at all, so it can not be called real insulating glass. This is because the permeability of polysulfide rubber is extremely high, which is 8 ~ 10 times that of butyl rubber. Butyl rubber is used as the channel seal for double-channel sealing, which plays the role of gas barrier, followed by gas barrier. Practice has proved that the service life of single-channel sealed insulating glass is only about 5 years, while that of double-channel sealed insulating glass can reach 20 years or even more than 40 years. With the extension of service time, people find that this product has its fatal shortcomings-short service life, and the use effect of invalid insulating glass is not as good as that of single-layer glass, which can neither be scrubbed nor affect the appearance.

In addition, at a certain relative indoor temperature, when the temperature of the glass surface reaches below a certain temperature, dew will inevitably form until frost (below 0℃). This will seriously affect the perspective and lighting of glass, and cause other adverse effects.


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