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building glass

The quality requirements for the appearance of architectural glass cover various aspects to ensure safety, aesthetics, and functionality. Here are some detailed requirements:

  1. Edge Processing of Flat Glass: The edges of the glass should be smooth, without burrs or cracks to ensure safety and visual appeal.

  2. Hole Drilling and Grooving: Holes should be drilled evenly, with no crack propagation, and grooves should be neat without sharp edges.

  3. Corner Processing of Flat Glass: The corners of the glass should be properly processed to prevent sharp edges that could cause injury and maintain a consistent appearance.

  4. Thickness Tolerance: The thickness of the glass should be controlled within specified tolerances to ensure structural stability and uniform appearance.

  5. Stacking Tolerance: For layered glass, the stacking tolerance should be within certain limits to ensure overall flatness and appearance.

  6. Curved Glass Fit: The fit of curved glass should be of high quality to ensure overall aesthetics and structural stability.

  7. Sealing of Insulated Glass Edges: The sealing of the edges of insulated glass should be strict to prevent gas permeation and condensation, ensuring the durability and thermal insulation of the insulated glass.

  8. Size and Arch Height Tolerance of Curved Glass: The size and arch height tolerance of curved glass should be controlled within specified limits to meet design requirements and aesthetics.

  9. Curved Glass Shape Requirements: The shape of curved glass should conform to design specifications, with no obvious distortions or deformations.

  10. Flatness: The flatness of the glass should be of high quality to ensure stability after installation and overall appearance.

  11. Haze of Laminated Glass: The haze of laminated glass should be controlled within certain limits to ensure transparency and visual appeal.

  12. White Fog Spots, Scratches, and Point Defects: The surface of the glass should be free of noticeable white fog spots, scratches, and point defects to maintain clarity and appearance.

  13. Stress Patterns, Self-Explosions, Brewster's Shadow, and Newton's Rings in Tempered Glass: Tempered glass should be processed to avoid stress patterns, self-explosions, Brewster's shadows, and Newton's rings.

  14. Double Image and Pressure Deformation in Insulated Glass: Insulated glass should avoid double images and should not show significant deformation under pressure differences.

  15. Optical Properties of Coated Glass: Coated glass should have good optical properties, with no noticeable color changes at different angles and minimal color differences.

  16. Surface Condensation and Prints on Glass: The glass surface should be free of condensation and prints to maintain cleanliness and transparency.

These requirements ensure the quality of architectural glass in terms of appearance, and they also involve the safety, durability, and functionality of the glass. Specific content and requirements of standards may vary depending on different countries or regions, but the principles mentioned above are widely recognized.


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