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Float glass production line is the most common and widely used glass production equipment at present. Its working principle is that after the glass raw material is melted, it is sprayed into a floating cage to form a continuous glass ribbon on the surface of the molten liquid, and then the glass ribbon is gradually solidified into a flat glass plate through temperature control and cooling. Float glass production line can not only produce a lot of glass efficiently, but also produce high-quality glass products.

The key equipment of float glass production line includes glass melting furnace, floating bar, cooling table and cutting equipment. Glass melting furnace is the core component of the whole production line, which melts the glass raw materials by heating and keeps the proper temperature and composition. Flotation is the key equipment to form glass ribbon on the surface of molten metal. It smoothes the surface of molten metal by spraying tiny bubbles and forms a continuous glass ribbon on it. The cooling table is mainly used for cooling and curing the glass ribbon to ensure the perfect quality and shape of the glass plate. Cutting equipment is used to cut the glass ribbon into the required size and shape.

Float glass production line has the characteristics of high efficiency, high accuracy and high degree of automation. It can realize large-scale continuous production and produce a large number of glass plates every day to meet the market demand. At the same time, through the precise control system, the temperature and thickness of glass ribbon can be accurately controlled to ensure the quality and consistency of products. In addition, due to the high degree of automation of the whole production process, the influence of human input and manual operation is reduced, the labor cost is reduced, and the production efficiency is improved.

Generally speaking, the float glass production line is a mature, reliable and efficient glass production equipment. By using the float process, it transforms glass raw materials into high-quality glass products, which meets people's demand for glass in various fields such as architecture, automobiles and household appliances. With the continuous progress and innovation of science and technology, the float glass production line will be further developed to meet the higher requirements of glass products in the future.
float glass


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