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1. All localities actively laid out the photovoltaic industry, and new forces entered.

All provinces in China are actively deploying photovoltaic industry, and the layout of photovoltaic glass will blossom more in the future. The existing photovoltaic glass production capacity is distributed in 15 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, mainly concentrated in Anhui Province, Jiangsu Province, Hebei Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Zhejiang Province, Henan Province and other places, of which the production capacity of Anhui Province accounts for more than 50% of the national production capacity;

By the end of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the production capacity of photovoltaic glass was distributed in 25 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, mainly concentrated in Anhui, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hubei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi and Yunnan provinces, among which the production capacity of Anhui province accounted for about 28.4% of the national production capacity, and that of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region accounted for about 12.4%.

Photovoltaic glass production has ushered in a new force, and the production capacity of newly joined enterprises has expanded rapidly. Combining the company's production capacity, in 2021, there were 29 enterprises (or groups) involved in the production of photovoltaic glass. From 2022 to 2024, there were 13, 16 and 6 new enterprises involved in the production of photovoltaic glass.

In 2025, there were 64 enterprises (or groups) producing photovoltaic glass in China, and the proportion of new enterprises after 2022 (inclusive) reached 54.7%. Many of the newly joined enterprises are now engaged in the production of float glass. In terms of production capacity, from 2022 to 2025, the national new production capacity was 306,590 t/d, among which the newly added enterprises added a total of 159,070 t/d from 2022, accounting for 51.9% of the total new production capacity. The proportion of newly added enterprises' production capacity is close to that of quantity, and the expansion speed of new and old enterprises is close. From the production schedule, the production capacity of newly joined enterprises will be released in 2023 and after, and the uncertainty of capacity expansion is higher than that of traditional photovoltaic glass enterprises.

Second, the production process level of photovoltaic glass has been improved

According to the summary of the introduction of photovoltaic glass production technology in the hearing, the current photovoltaic glass production technology shows the technical development trend of large kiln, wide mouth, thin glass and low carbonization.

1. Large-scale kiln

Large-scale photovoltaic glass kiln. In 2021, about 61.97% of photovoltaic glass kilns will be small kilns with 650t/d or less, 1000t/d kilns will account for 19.72%, and large kilns with 1200t/d or more will only account for 5.63%. During the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, the scale of photovoltaic glass kilns will be significantly increased, with the proportion of 1,000 t/d kilns rising to 22.02%, and the proportion of large kilns with 1,200 t/d and above rising to 55.65%, among which Beihai Deli will build 1,500 t/d kilns, Fengyang Conch will build 1,400 t/d kilns, Hubei Changli will build 1,350 t/d kilns, and Jingzhou Nengyao will build.

The scale of multi-line in one kiln has increased. At present, photovoltaic calendering white glass kilns are mostly one kiln with four lines, accounting for 47.06%, and one kiln with five lines accounts for 14.12%. In glass production, if the product specifications are changed frequently in the same production line, the stability of production will not be guaranteed. In a multi-line kiln, each line produces a product with one specification, which can ensure stable production.

The furnace mouth is wide.

The high conversion rate of large-size components leads to the increase in the demand for large-size glass, which promotes the glass manufacturing enterprises to increase the width of the furnace mouth. The width of photovoltaic glass production line has been fixed at the time of design, and the change of size may lead to the increase of waste edges produced by cutting, which is uneconomical.

Take the traditional 650t/d kiln as an example. Generally, the furnace mouth is 2.4 meters wide, and it can produce 72 modules (166mm), 72 modules (182mm), 55 modules (210mm) and other photovoltaic glass with mainstream sizes in the current market. With the increase of market share of large-size high-power components, for the width exceeding.

The demand for 1.3m photovoltaic glass will greatly increase, exceeding the best economic slice width of the existing kiln, and the newly-built glass production line will have the supply capacity of large-size glass.


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