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As the global economy gradually recovers and the construction industry continues to develop, the market for building technical glass is welcoming a new round of growth opportunities. Building technical glass, an indispensable part of modern architecture, directly reflects the dynamics of the construction industry and the overall economic climate. This article will analyze the current market demand for building technical glass and explore its future development trends.

Market Status

In the first half of 2021, the building technical glass market continued the development trend of the previous year, with demand steadily increasing. According to Sun Xingshou, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Building Materials Federation, this growth is mainly due to the rapid recovery of demand markets such as photovoltaic cells, real estate, automotive, computers, and communications. The increased demand from these industries has directly driven the production and sales of the glass industry.

Production and Prices

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the production of flat glass nationwide reached 510 million weight boxes in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; the production of tempered, laminated, and insulated technical glass reached 430 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 22.4%. This growth indicates that the production capacity of the building technical glass industry is rapidly recovering and expanding. At the same time, the factory price index for building technical glass has also shown an upward trend, with significant increases in the prices of flat glass and technical glass, reflecting a strong market demand and supply tension.

Industry Economic Benefits

The economic benefits of the building technical glass industry have seen a significant rebound. From January to June, the business income and total profit of enterprises above a certain scale in the building technical glass industry increased significantly, and the sales profit margin also improved. This is due in part to the market environment of rising volume and prices, and also demonstrates the effectiveness of internal structural adjustments and product upgrades within the industry.

Market Demand Analysis

From the demand side, the growth in the real estate market demand is a major factor driving the increase in the building technical glass market. With a significant increase in the area of completed buildings by real estate development companies, the demand for building glass has also increased. In addition, the growth in automotive production, the increase in photovoltaic cell output, and the popularization of electronic products have all brought new growth points to the building technical glass market.

Future Trends

It is expected that the market demand for building technical glass will continue to maintain a steady growth trend in the second half of the year. With the proposal and implementation of the "dual carbon" goals, the application of green building technical glass such as photovoltaic glass will further expand, and market demand is expected to be continuously driven. At the same time, with the further recovery of the global economy, the overall demand for the construction industry will continue to grow, bringing more opportunities to the building technical glass market.

Challenges and Countermeasures

Despite the optimistic market outlook, the building technical glass industry still faces some challenges, such as rising raw material prices and excess capacity. The increase in prices of main raw materials such as soda ash has increased the cost of glass production, putting pressure on corporate profit margins. In addition, disorderly competition and price wars within the industry may also disrupt market order.

To address these challenges, the industry needs to strengthen self-discipline and maintain market order, while the government and industry associations should also play a positive role by guiding policies and regulating the market to promote the healthy development of the industry. In addition, companies should increase technological innovation efforts, enhance product added value, and explore new application fields to adapt to market changes and demands.


Overall, the building technical glass market is in a phase of steady growth. With the recovery of the economy and the optimization of industry structure, market demand is expected to continue to grow. The industry should strengthen cooperation, jointly address challenges, seize opportunities, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the building technical glass industry.


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