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Zhonghai Jiang Tai Li Project

Project location: Guangzhou, Guangdong
Glass configuration: 10mm ultra-white +2.28PVB+10mm ultra-white tempered laminated curved glass.
Glass size: width 1500mm* height 6000mm.
Construction unit: China Shipping Real Estate


Project introduction:

Zhonghai Jiang Tai Li Project is the geographic center of Haizhu District's cultural and business integration circle and the CCD of Guangzhou's future cultural and economic center.
Line 2, Line 8, Guangzhou-Foshan Line and Line 11 under construction are distributed around 3 kilometers. It goes to CUHK by subway for 3 stops, Pearl River New Town, Pazhou for 7 stops and Dongshankou for 8 stops.
The project planning focuses on the street business-Chaoli, creating a new lifestyle such as art exhibition, livehouse and creative market;
It focuses on 76-105m2 three-and four-space apartment units, and creates a diverse and interesting life with LDKB and exquisite storage.


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